Our Governors
Our Governing Body
The Governing Body is constituted in law: which require that a third of governors are directly represented by parents. The church nominates 3 representatives and one member is nominated by the Local Education Authority. Together with a staff representative and 3 co-opted representatives from the local community this makes up the members of the governing body . The governing body can also appoint associate members to address specific issues or short term projects. Our governing body year runs from January to December each year.
The Governors’ use their skills and work life experience to contribute to the leadership and management of our School. We work with the Executive Headteacher, Head of School and Senior Leadership Team to help achieve the best outcomes for all children here at St Alphege CE Infant School & Sunbeams Nursery.
Our focus is on three core strategic functions:
- Setting the school’s vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- Holding the head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils; and the performance management of staff;
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
Statutory Governing Board Information for Academic Year 2023 - 2024
Instrument of Governance and Current Governing Board Membership
- 3 Co-Opted Governors: - Requirement met
- 3 Foundation Governors – Requirement met
- 1 Staff Governor – Requirement met
- 1 Local Authority Governor - Requirement met
- Executive Headteacher / Head of School
- 4 Parent Governors - 1 vacancy
- Instruments of Governance states the total number of Governors as 13.
- Half, plus one, of those in post must be present at FGB meetings to be legally quorate.
- The School Business Manager and Senior Leaders may be asked to attend meetings as appropriate and agreed at each meeting to report in their professional capacities.
The Governing Board operates in accordance with the requirements of the Education Acts, School Governance Regulations and all other relevant legislation including KCC Local Authority’s Scheme for Financing Schools and with recommended governance practice by DfE; LA; NGA and other advisory bodies.
Within the context of continuing National focus on governing bodies becoming more ‘professional’ in their practice; as evidenced by the OFSTED framework within which governance is judged as part of the leadership and management function, and in the changes to governance legislation driving ‘smaller skills-based’ membership, the Governing Board recognises the need to develop their collective skills and to plan for the future through targeted succession planning and development to ensure continuous improvement in governance for the greater good of the School community.
The full Strategic Governing Board meets 3 times each year, considers reports and recommendations, makes decisions and conducts procedural business.
School Improvement: Resources Team: Finance and Resources Committee meets 4 times each year covering: HT Appraisal; Budget Monitoring; Health and Safety; Facilities and Fabric; Staffing
School Improvement: Standards Team: Pupil Issues and Curriculum Committee meets 3 times each year covering: Pupil Outcomes; Admissions; Attendance; Exclusions; Safeguarding; Behaviour for Learning; Pupil Welfare; Teaching and Learning; Diminishing the Difference; Pupil and Sports Premiums; Christian Distinctiveness and SIAMS; Community Engagement
Governing body statutory information, business interest declarations and meeting attendance data can be found here.
Governors Details with Business Interests
If you are interested in becoming a school governor please speak to the Chair of Governors or the Head of School. For further details about the role of governors click here.
Meet the Governors of St Alphege CE Infant School
Paula Trewin MBE - Co-Opted Governor & Chair of Governors
Currently managing recruitment in London and the Southeast for the Royal Navy, my 29 year service has encompassed roles for training, business, recruitment, government inspectorates, scientific delivery and, above all, leadership. Strategic and structural development, to both protect the school and to take it forward, requires sound commitment, as well as innovative approaches, from the governing body, school team and parents, and I would endeavour to ensure delivery from all who input into the whole school development.
With a daughter who attended the school, I am acutely aware that education is not just about the academics, but about the entire life journey, and we are all responsible to ensure that our children are given an experience that gradually introduces them to the feeling of opportunity, a love of learning, and the confidence to achieve. I would offer a mature, faith driven outlook, ensuring the leadership deliver exciting challenges for the students to develop to their maximum potential, within an environment that is engaging, caring, encouraging and supportive.
Erim Covac - Co-Opted Governor & Chair of Finance and resources committee
I am a Risk Advisory Consultant within the Financial Services sector, as well as a qualified Accountant. I work with numerous organisations helping them achieve regulatory compliance in an efficient and commercially viable manner. I aim to bring my financial acumen and risk governance skills to this role and play a small part in helping the school achieve its ambitious goals in the right way. I have two children, one of whom is in his final year at St Alphege, and the other, currently in Sunbeams, is looking forward to joining Reception next year.
For me, being a co-opted governor is a small payback for the huge efforts put in by the staff of the school which truly benefits not just the children in attendance but the wider community of Whitstable. In my spare time I enjoy watching various sports and keeping fit by running and cycling.
Damian Kelly - Co-Opted Governor
Having spent the majority of my working life supporting people with learning and physical disabilities, I am now enjoying my retirement and find myself as busy as ever!
Employment with Social Services and a number of charities has given me considerable experience across a wide range of abilities and age groups. I have been involved in planning and monitoring the delivery and quality of services provided. This has always been done with person centred approaches as a fundamental principle.
For more than 25 years I have been involved with a local amateur dramatic company, both as a performer and, increasingly, with the backstage and creative aspects of the theatre. Among the many rewards gained from this is the satisfaction of being part of a team that pull together to make a production the best it can be.
The opportunity to be a Governor, at the school my children attended, means that I can continue to meaningfully contribute to the community I live in. I look forward to helping support the school, staff, and particularly the children, in the crucial years as their own educational journey begins.
Reverend Rachel Webbley – Ex Officio Governor
I work closely with the Headteacher and the RE lead teacher in delivering and monitoring RE and collective worship, as well as the school's performance as a whole. I facilitate the well-established links with St Alphege Church and Diocese, and am also a governor at the Endowed CE Junior School. I am proud of our diverse and inclusive school and am available to provide pastoral care for all members of the school community. My children have progressed through Sunbeams Nursery and continue to flourish in Year R and Year 2. I really enjoy being with the children leading Godly Play sessions and collective worship in school and welcoming the school to the church for visits and collective worship.
Sally Dixon – Local Authority Governor
I am an aviation consultant with many years’ experience in both the public and private sectors. My previous experience in education has been with degree and postgraduate students having worked with Cranfield University, the University of Kent and Canterbury Christ Church University. I am the LEA appointed Governor and grateful for the opportunity to make a difference to the community of St. Alphege. The early years in education are so very important to each child’s life chances and I am mindful of this responsibility as I undertake my duties as part of the governing team at the school.
Richard Brown - Parent Governor
I have worked in Child Safeguarding since 2010 across both Kent and Medway, both strategically and operationally. I currently work in front line child safeguarding services across both local authorities, within multi agency environments. I work closely with many organisations including Social Services, Education, Health, Early Help and Probation. My work includes attending multi agency strategy discussions where decisions are made about the most appropriate multi agency response to a concern raised. The outcome is often s.17 or s.47 joint working between a team of multi agency professionals and an initial multi agency action plan is set. My work also includes risk assessments, Op Encompass, referrals, strategical partnership meetings which includes multi agency policy creation and the risk assessment of the housing of unaccompanied asylum seeking children. I currently work at both the Medway Social Services Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) and at the Kent Social Services Central Referral Unit (CRU). I am passionate about the work that I do and hope that these skills can assist St Alphege School. I am also very excited to be part of the school that my daughter loves so much.
Roxanna Everson - Parent Governor
I have a background in arts and education, and I am enthusiastic about contributing as a school parent governor, driven by both a commitment to support the school and my personal development. As a parent of two children who have attended St Alphege, I've witnessed the impact of a diverse curriculum first-hand, reinforcing my belief in fostering an enriching learning environment for academic and creative growth. In my professional life, I work in International Education, supporting school leaders to develop their teacher training programmes. I have also worked in overseas Educational organisations, and ran my own business, which gives me a breadth of knowledge that complements the role of parent governor. I am currently studying towards an MBA, and hope to apply the skills and knowledge I learn to this role. I aspire to work with the school leadership and fellow governors to positively shape the school's vision and mission.
Tim Jones - Foundation
I am currently an NHS Strategy Analyst working in the local area, with lots of experience in data analytics, statistics and specialising in data visualisation. I place great importance in the role of data for evidencing what is happening and how it can be used for potential solutions to problems. I previously worked as a Youth Minister for the local Church of England parish so am passionate about seeing young people have all the opportunities to flourish and succeed. As a parent of a daughter at Sunbeams I am excited to support St Alphege as children start their educational journey.
Parent Governor - Vacancy
Gemma Leach - Parent Governor
I am a qualified Primary School teacher with almost 15 years of experience teaching in the classroom. I have taught across key stages 1 and 2 in three different Local Authorities: Berkshire, Oxfordshire and, most recently, back in Kent where I grew up. During these 15 years, I worked both full and part-time and was responsible for a range of subject areas, including Collective Worship, Music, MFL, Outdoor Learning and ICT and also held the position of teacher governor. Since January 2023, I have worked as an English Content Editor for an online Educational Publisher having decided to have a career break at the end of the academic year in 2022. Teaching is my passion, but this remote style of working has allowed me to achieve a work-life balance of supporting my own children and utilising my teaching knowledge and expertise.
My role as governor will be a chance for me to ‘give back’ to a school that has been part of my family for a long time. My son attended St Alphege before moving on to WJS and my twin daughters are currently in Pebbles Class in Reception. In fact, my own learning journey started when I joined St Alphege as a Reception child in 1989! As an associate governor, I feel privileged to be able to have the chance to work alongside and support the wonderfully passionate staff and leaders at St Alphege.
Abigail Mason - Foundation Governor
I am a Financial Manager with many years’ experience across a variety of sectors including Corporate (City of London), Private (construction) and Charity (education).
My experience within education was gained over ten years working for an education charity in Hackney, East London. The charity works with schools across the borough from early reception to Year 13. I was part of the team that set up the independent school which is housed at the charity and offers a full time curriculum to students aged 14-16 who have been excluded from mainstream school.
I am a member of the St Alphege Church congregation and, as a foundation governor, I am especially interested in how Christian distinctiveness is embedded within the school. I feel privileged to be a Governor at a school with such dedicated staff who are creating a rich learning environment which also encompasses community and play.