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"Loved, Inspired, Shining"

Contact Us

St Alphege CE Infant School & Sunbeams Nursery

Oxford Street, Whitstable, Kent, CT5 1DA
Tel: 01227 272977

After School Club: 01227 697037

Executive Headteacher: Mrs Liz Thomas-Friend

Head of School: Mrs Jacqui Spinks 

Chair of Governors: Paula Trewin MBE   

Inclusion Leader (SENCo): Ms Becky Strike

Sunbeams Teachers: Mrs Keeble & Mrs Humphreys

All of our teachers are available at morning drop off and afternoon collection should you have anything you wish to discuss with them. Alternatively you can email the office to request a phone call with your child's teacher.


The school is situated on Oxford Street in Whitstable town centre. Parking is restricted and families are encouraged to walk to school if this is possible. However, all of the pay and display car parks in Whitstable are FREE until 10.00am daily and there is parking in the many residential roads that surround the school.

We have two entrances to the school site. The main school entrance is on Oxford Street, at the front of the school and the other is via the alleyway that runs between Argyle Road and Cromwell Road, at the back of the school.

There is a loading bay opposite the school building for disabled drop-off and pick-up. There is disabled access to the entire school site and disabled facilities and a lift on site. 

School Apps

You can keep up to date with information the school sends out by using our Schoolcomms app  available on Android or iPhone. Visit your app store to download the app or click on the image below for more information. 


Image result for school gateway app


The school has an ongoing good news feed on our school Facebook page and the Friends Association have a Facebook page with details of all the fundraising events they organise. Click on the links at the bottom of the page to go to Facebook.      


If you are interested in volunteering in our school please complete the Volunteers Contact Us form. If we have a suitable volunteering opportunity we will be in contact with you.