School Vision & Development Plan
"Loved, Inspired, Shining"
Our vision is for:
• Each person to know they are loved as they are by God, flourishing and reaching their potential.
• All our families to live life in all its fullness, inspired to learn through a creative curriculum.
• Our school to “Shine like a star”, bringing hope and courage to our community.
Underpinning our vision is that love grounds everything we do.
“Let us love one another, because love comes from God.” 1 John 4:7
“There is no fear in love, perfect love drives out all fear.” 1 John 4:18
School Development Plan 2023-24
This academic year the key areas of our School Plan will fall into the acronym WAVES. We hope that this will help our whole community to understand what it is that we are working on so that we can all work together to achieve even greater things for our amazing children. We have explained in more detail what each of the letters stands for below:
Wonderful Writing
Amazing Relationships
Valiant Vocabulary
Excellent Reading
Simcha (Hebrew for shared joy)
Wonderful Writing: This year, we will be building on our work around reading and phonics to focus on strengthening our children’s love of writing. Whether this be children taking their first steps into mark making, or producing beautiful written gems for others to discover! Our English Leader, Mrs Swindells will be running parent information sessions to explain how we teach writing and ways that you can support your child at home.
Amazing Relationships: This area will focus on maintaining the outstanding relationships we have within the school as well as those we have forged beyond the school gates. We pride ourselves on our outward facing approach and the community feel within the school. We want to ensure that this continues to be a priority for us and that opportunities to access the community are embraced to enhance learning in all subjects. We want to embrace all opportunities for our children to access our local area, expertise within the community and experiences that will enhance their learning. We have gained a great deal from our long-standing partnerships, especially within the Arts and want to further explore other community links over the academic year.
Valiant Vocabulary: We are so proud of our outstanding curriculum offer which ensures that our children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which inspires them and harnesses their interests, providing aspiration in all subjects. This year, we will be strengthening our focus on subject specific vocabulary, enhancing our children’s ability to understand and use new and exciting words and to apply these to their learning. This area will also focus on the development of speech and language and social communication skills across the school, utilising the expertise within our staff team.
Excellent Reading: This year we want to build upon our strength in the teaching of reading, with a focus on reading for pleasure. We will be teaching the skills needed for our children to become fluent and capable readers and to realise the power of a good book. During our daily reading sessions, the children will be taught decoding skills to help them to apply their phonic knowledge. We will also be teaching the children to understand and interpret what they have read, discussing key features of the text. As always, we greatly appreciate your input into supporting your child’s reading development and will be sharing lots of information to help you to understand how we teach reading and the best way to support your child at home.
Simcha (this is pronounced SIM-HA and is Hebrew for Shared Joy): Simcha means more than just joy, it is the joy we gain from being together. With our focus on vocabulary, we felt that the introduction of Simcha would be ideal. Wellbeing has been a priority in school for the past few years and we want to build upon the work that has been implemented with regards to the happiness, wellbeing and spirituality of our whole school community. We know that community connectedness has a huge bearing on our health and wellbeing and we want to ensure we prioritise time for coming together, both in school and within our wider community to create moments of joy and celebration.